December 21, 2015 | Posted in: World of WarCraft
Make the videos. Write some posts. Write some posts with videos included. For Mythic Kilrogg to die, the Vision Phases 1 and 2 have to be executed. Now, what’s the goal inside Visions? I kill the adds until I die and come out with the buff.
Orange parsing. World class? it isn’t for me to judge … I haven’t been involved in the opportunity to progress on Mythic Kilrogg. Yet. I know the encounter. I’m not going to make the mistakes on deadly throes and heartseeker and the group I join … you’ll already have your Visions Group set. I know how to do them.
This video is of me killing Mythic Kilrogg and getting out of Deadly Throes … something I’ve been practicing since my first kill on Heroic in September 2015 when I did 35k as iLvl 700. I started later than the groups who are on Gorefiend. Mythic Gorefiend is a progression halter … 4 raid weeks, 100 pulls … maybe more … then the first 3 upper bosses die in the next 3 raid weeks and Gorefiend gets skipped.
It’s that group I’d like to join … We’ll start on Mythic Gorefiend where Frost Mage is going be plenty good enough to progress on the encounter.
The logs tell a story. 95th percentile Frost Mage damage = 109k on Heroic Kilrogg. 98th percentile shadow priest damage 166k and I love the healers putting out orange and purple damage … the effort those healers put into to parsing orange on holy paladin DPS. Now here’s your problem MM hunter 75th percentile class damage is 85k on heroic Kilrogg … both hunters played extremely well as indicated by their bracket percentage yet were crushed on their ego measure …. by a frost mage who’s suppose to be playing arcane for the encounter because 90th percentile arcane mage damage on the encounter is 260k.
It’s mythic … I parsed green on the encounter … my first attempt getting “carried” by a 10/13 (m) guild who progressed to 12/13 (m) while I was on the bench. Our relationship didn’t work out. I had a lot of fun … got to see Mythic Kilrogg and Mythic Council for the first time and got the kill achieves. And some gear. I had 100% attendance rate for 5 weeks.
90th percentile arcane mage damage, 260k, 95th percentile frost mage damage, Heroic Kilrogg, 109k. You can’t have that kind of imbalance between class specs. IMHO, this kind of class spec imbalance has a name … flavor of the month (fotm). Fire Mage, you were FOTM in BRF, and Arcane Mage you’re FOTM (for a long time … this will be WoW’s longest tier in history) for Hellfire Citadel.
I’m going to play frost mage. On your BRF mythic team, the 60k I busted on Thogar playing frost mage would have been good enough to progress. 50k playing frost mage on mythic beastlord … would have been good enough to progress. Blast Furnace … another story. I have the secondary spec and if team progression is dependent on me playing my off spec … then fine. I’ll come in there and play it well enough for us to progress. Rasta had to come play 45th percentile arcane mage so we could progress? You don’t want to be that group.
There’s a 48th percentile arcane mage doing 57k on Heroic Kilrogg. I played frost, played it 90th percentile, and beat the arcane mage by 40k. It’s called evidence me playing arcane mage at 50th percentile … the time I’d have to take to learn the rotation … it’s not worth it at this point in the game. In this point of progression … mythic Gorefiend …. where are you 5/13 (m) group raiding 9pmish to 1amish EST???
I’m going to be real quiet. There’s people sleeping in the house. I’m going to show up and I’m going to put some solid Ranged DPS on whatever encounter … Progression Ranged DPS. Try to beat me on the damage taken meter.
Damage Taken Mythic Reaver kill … 4 people dead … 15 Dec 2015. 58k dps. I was alive, second week in a row, we progressed.
Damage Taken Mythic Kormok – 3 dead – 72k. I was alive. We progressed.
Damage Taken Mythic Kilrogg … 5 dead … Not me, I was alive and did 66k. We progressed. Who’s carrying who here Dub?
Thanks for the inspiration … I can make all these new posts and get rid of all the headlines about this community’s fucked up water system.