RDR2 – Duchesses and Other Animals, Exotics

July 8, 2024 | Posted in Publishing, Video Games | By

What does it take to earn Best in the West and 100 percent completion at Red Dead Redemption 2? How long does it take to get 100 percent completion? Some estimates state 180+ hours of gameplay. Earning Best in the West Trophy can be extremely “grindy” and there’s no other quest as “grindy” as Duchesses and Other Animals, Exotics. I wrote here about the satchel grind for 100 percent completion and this one requirement for best in the west took nearly five hours of gameplay.

PreCollecting is Allowed

The quest becomes available in Chapter 4 after the mission The Gilded Cage where you attend a party at the Mayor of Saint Denis’ house. One can definitely pre collect the 65 plumes required to complete the quest and it appears one can pre collect the orchids as well. Pre Collecting, in reality, will not cut down on the grind time to complete the quest. And, it appeared to us the spawns on the Egrets, Herons, and Spoonbills occurred Less when we did not actually have the quest in our log.

Duchesses and Other Animals, Exotics quest in hand we begin hunting every egret, heron, and spoonbill in sight. Here’s nine minutes spent on the quest.

15 Egret Plumes are the true barrier

The RNG of the spawn on snowy white egrets, little egrets, and reddish egrets is the barrier within the barrier to completing the quest. Completing Duchesses and Other Animals, Exotics, is One barrier within the barrier of 100 percent completion and the Best in the West trophy.

Here we spent roughly 43 minutes collecting the initial round of plumes plus any herons or spoonbills we come across.

We had a philosophy of working on Hunting Requests in conjunction with Duchesses and Other Animals, Exotics starting our day at Fort Brennand south of Van Horn trading post and north of Saint Denis on what we called “Algernon’s Loop”.

Here we spend another 43 minutes

The Strat seeming to work the best

Hitting the main spawn point for the egrets around noon, getting what we could, then fast traveling to Emerald Ranch, sleeping until noon the next day, then riding to the spawn points for the egrets all the while looking for orchids. We chose only to focus on the orchids required for each stage of the quest line, in this case, Lady of the Night Orchids. Five Snowy Egret plumes, five little egret plumes, and 5 reddish egret plumes were by the far the most difficult to collect.

18 minutes spent working on part 1 of the quest highlighting what we think is the best move to collect egret plumes.
Here we spend 24 minutes

Here we spend another 14 minutes

Here we spend 24 minutes
Here we spend 28 minutes again, just on Part 1 but we are pre collecting every kind of plume to make the next parts easier.
Here we spend another 38 minutes on part 1
After another 10 minutes, we complete the first Part of the Quest.

251 minutes spent on Part 1 of Duchesses and Other Animals, Exotics. However, we pre collected the 20 heron plumes and 30 spoonbill plumes for the follow up parts to the quest line.

Collecting Orchids is Easy Mode – Just takes Time

The second part of the quest, which is actually Part III of Duchesses and Other Animals, Exotics, requires 20 heron plumes, 7 Lady Slipper Orchids, and 10 Moccasin Orchids. Having pre collected the heron plumes in completing the first part of the quests, we just had to grab the two different kinds of Orchids.

Part 2, 20 Heron Plumes, Lady Slipper Orchids and Moccasin Orchids

One piece of advice we can give for those of you, even six years later, attempting to earn the Best in the West Trophy and 100 percent completion, is finish Duchesses and Other Animals, Exotics, in Chapter 4. There are really only seven lady slipper orchid spawns at this point in story mode all located in West Elizabeth.

We spent 20 minutes looking for the first two lady slipper orchids before consulting a map via google.
Lady Slipper Orchids 3-5 took 13 minutes to find
Lady Slipper Orchid 6 took around 9 minutes to find because it’s located in Hanging Dog Ranch and who doesn’t slay the O’Driscoll’s at every chance?
We spent around 4 minutes getting the seventh Lady Slipper Orchid and also picked up a dinosaur bone and marked a location for bats.

Moccasin Orchid

We spent around 30 minutes collecting 10 moccasin orchids

We spent 76 minutes completing the second part of this quest line.

Part 3, Spoonbill Plumes, Three Kinds of Orchids

Having pre collected the 22 gator eggs while hunting egrets and herons in part one of the quest line, all we had to do was gather three Acura’s star orchids, seven cigar orchids, five ghost orchids, and three more gator eggs.

We spent roughly 32 minutes gathering the requirements for the third part of the quest.

Part 4, 30 Spoonbill, 10 Rat Tail Orchids, 5 Spider Orchids, 5 Night Scented Orchids

Pre collecting the 30 spoonbill plumes was clutch.

We spent eight minutes collecting spider orchids.
We spent roughly the same amount of time, nine minutes, collecting rat tail orchids.
We spent five minutes collecting Night Scented Orchids.

Part 5, the Final Part

Though technically part six of the quest line, we viewed this as Part five as you begin collecting the items required for quest completion in what is technically part two of the chain. We needed five clamshell orchids, five queen’s orchids, ten sparrow egg orchids, and five dragon’s mouth orchids.

We spent roughly 7 minutes collecting clamshell orchids.
We spent 9 minutes collecting Queen’s Orchids.
We spent 22 minutes collecting the ten sparrow egg orchids.
We spent 15 minutes collecting dragon’s mouth orchids.

How long does it take to earn Best in the West Trophy?

The number one barrier, in our opinion, is this quest. Duchesses and Other Animals, Exotics, took us 445 minutes, roughly. Or, just shy of eight hours game time.

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RDR2 and Best in the West Achievement

July 5, 2024 | Posted in Video Games | By

What does it take to earn 100 percent completion in the best open world video game to date? The list of achievements one has to complete earn Best in the West trophy and 100 percent completion is not as daunting as one might imagine. For example, you don’t have to find every single animal, bird, weapons, or equipment (things like talisman’s and trinkets).

For example, one must find 10 equipment items, 10 fish species, 10 horse breeds, 20 plant species, and 48 weapons to satisfy the Compendium portion of the Best in the West Trophy and being able to tell people you indeed earned this trophy. Is the trophy worth the time? In my (humble) opinion, the trophy being worth the time invested is going to be based on the individual. How important is it you personally to tell people I achieved 100% completion and earned Best in the West Trophy?

A player does not need to kill every legendary animal or do every side mission or every random encounter triggered by the blinking white dot (chance encounters) on your mini map. Completing ten stranger mission quest lines and completing 25 chance counters will qualify players for 100 percent completion.

What is the first step on the journey to Best in the West?

First, simply playing the game. And, there are still people out there on their first play through objectionable to Spoilers. Six years, and our content contains all kinds of spoilers. One needs to get to Chapter 2, complete Pouring Fourth Oil IV, leaving Marston in Valentine as the next mission. This is the first truly great, and fairly undebatable “best save point” in the game. What to work on first? Acquiring Fast Travel which is going to have you most likely on the Jack Hall Treasure Hunt.

Fast Travel costs $545. I spent 34 minutes getting the Jack Hall Treasure of two gold bars sold for a total of $1,000.

Best in the West – The Satchel Grind

The first thing, after completing Pouring Forth Oil and beginning your “free roam” as Arthur, (this mission unlocks you as the player being able to mark a target with a red x during dead eye opposed to “painting” the target with multiple red x’s) … this is why Pouring Forth Oil IV is cited as one of the best save points in the entire game to free roam as Arthur … is go get the Buck Antler Trinket and shoot everything in sight knowing the 22 perfect pelts one must to collect in order to Receive Legend of the East Satchel.

How long is the satchel grind for Best in the West? Here, we spent 42 minutes acquiring the Buck Antler trinket and a Perfect Cougar Trinket. The satchel grind without this trinket is Futile.

How long does the satchel grind take? Another thing you’re doing on the satchel grind is unlocking each town for Fast Travel and discovering yet undiscovered portions of the map. And hunting literally every animal in sight. A note about Cougars, they find you, you do not find the cougar. In our most recent play through, we have killed at least 25 cougars.

Found the cougar around the two minute mark. The road past Lake Owanjila will curve around a rock and you’ll be riding parallel to a stream. This is the best place for the cougar to find you. If you’re riding around slowly “looking” for the cougar, you will not find him.
Here, we spend 24 plus minutes on the satchel grind netting a perfect beaver pelt and completing Survivalist 1 by catching three blue gill. Accomplishing multiple tasks at the same time is clutch for Best in the West.

We were attempting to document how long it took us to complete the Satchel Grind and earn the Legend of the East Satchel.

Here we spend 17 plus minutes on the satchel grind netting the perfect iguana skin. And others hopefully
Here we spend nearly 47 minutes on the satchel grind. There were surely other adventures or as we like to call them … Distractions.

At this point, we’ve invested around 200 minutes in the satchel grind.

Here we grind for nearly 18 minutes netting the perfect panther pelt and a perfect squirrel carcass. Back in the day, there was some confusion because players cannot “skin” a squirrel. Donate the carcass.

A note about Panthers

They are the rarest spawn in the game. Or one of them. And because a perfect panther pelt is required for Legend of the East Satchel, ONE requirement for Best in the West, and a perfect panther pelt unlocks the best crafted saddle from the trapper, the panther is a source of frustration. We didn’t dodge him very well in the above video, but we did capture this video of slaying a panther, although the encounter did not end with a perfect pelt.

We successfully used predator bait and slayed the panther without an attack.
Here we grind for another 18 minutes on a Perfect Elk pelt and Perfect Bison Pelt. The best place for Elks, hands down, is north of the eastern most trapper. Follow trapper road until you get to until Little Creek River and there Elks galore. Want to be super pro? bring two horses when you look for Perfect Elk Pelts
We spent another 18 minutes looking for Perfect Elk Pelts
We spend nearly 12 minutes taming the White Arabian for a Second Horse for Elk Pelts. Note … the White Arabian will sell for $48 at bonding level one.
We grab the last deer pelt and craft the Legendary of the East Satchel at the 15 minute mark of the video

Legend of the East Satchel – How Long does it take?

We spend roughly 280 minutes meeting this One Requirement for Best in the West Trophy. We also worked on Challenges. Rule #2, after obtaining the Buck Antler Trinket, always be working on challenges and your life is going to be easier once you commit yourself to 100 percent completion if you grind the legendary of the east satchel in Chapter 2.

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RDR2 Legendary Fish – What Everyone Missed

June 15, 2024 | Posted in Video Games | By

Six years later, I figured out the true game mechanic to at least hook the legendary fish on the first cast. It doesn’t matter where you stand to hook the legendary fish, it doesn’t matter the time of the day, it doesn’t matter where you’re standing or what the weather is. The important part is to “let the game” know you are there to catch a legendary fish.

The trick is to make sure you see Arthur actually place the correct “special lure” onto the rod

Explaining the Mechanic

You absolutely must see Arthur, or Marston, change the lure on your screen even if you already have the correct special lure attached to your fishing pole. Always use bread bait. In fact, one is not utilizing any bait, simply the lure. One must physically watch Arthur/Marston, sorry spoilers are not an issue six years later imho, place the correct special lure onto the fishing pole even if the lure is already attached.

Where to Stand

This only matters in cutting down on the amount of time it takes to reel in the legendary fish. Again, it doesn’t matter the time of day, it doesn’t matter the weather, and it doesn’t matter where you stand to actually hook the legendary fish the first time.

One of the more difficult legendary fish to catch, the legendary bullhead catfish, because one must row a boat into a restricted area

Zero Frustration Actually hooking the legendary fish

One can imagine the frustration of rowing from Saint Denis to Sisika Penitentiary thinking they have to row to a specific location during a specific time of day in specific weather all the while being shot at because you’re in a restricted area. None of this frustration had to occur. Simply make sure you see Arthur or Marston actually attach the correct special lure. And, to be safe, if one has to recast, have your character place the lure on again by switching to a different lure then switching back to the correct special lure.

Learning where to stand makes the difference in the reeling the fish in. You can see some frustration in this 30 minute plus video. But, there was zero frustration in actually hooking the legendary sockeye salmon.
Legendary Redfin Pickerel easy mode


Legendary Fishing, due to my discovery of the true mechanic, made 100% completion and Best in the West one of the easier achievements to complete. Make sure you see your character place the correct special lure onto the fishing pole every time you cast. Especially when arriving for the first time in the area to catch the legendary fish. Six years too late but I know you’re out there on their 9th play through trying for 100% completion and many of the guides from the old days are incorrect in places. I intend to fix a few of those.

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Being Pro at Apex Legends

November 9, 2020 | Posted in Video Games | By

Do you want to be more pro at Apex Legends? Read this post. Watch the embedded twitch video. The author of this post is level 226 at Apex Legends, Gold IV in ranked. He’s not “good”, definitely not “pro”, he’s simply a guy who has played the game a lot, especially on King’s Canyon and World’s Edge. Quit dropping new maps, do you notice how your daily players Decrease when you drop a new map?

Dropping from the Airship

If you’ve never played the game before, drop Immediately. The more reps one Practices in what amounts to Extremely Quick Combat, the better one, in theory, will get in the Combat Dynamics of Apex Legends.

Lifeline’s rez you with her healing drone With a Shield is OP’d. She’s mandatory in ranked matches and, apparently, Watson. If becoming Apex Predator is which team of three hides in a building with Caustic, Watson, and Bloodhound the Best, well, I’m never going to be Apex Predator. That, and I’m not good enough to progress past Gold.

Learn the jump step. I’m not trying to show you how pro I am in these embedded Twitter videos, I’m trying to show you how quickly the Combat Mechanics operate. As a new player, the best thing you can do for yourself is drop immediately. Use your game time practicing picking up gear and engaging in Combat. Once you have a gun and a shield, start looking for the enemy. A second gun is nice. Look for the enemy, don’t loot boxes, unless it’s for the shield. Pick up all the ammo even if you don’t have the gun, leaving less ammunition for your opponents.

The Jump – Ranked

When jumping in ranked matches, rotate your view 360 degrees and watch the teams drop. The strategy is different, you’re trying to finish in the Top 10. This post isn’t for competitive gamers, the post is for people who enjoy playing the game and desire to be better. Watching Ninja being pro at Apex Legends doesn’t help me become better. Reps in the game help me become better.

Look to jump 180 degrees (to the “sides”) opposed to along the drop ship flight path. Be patient. After watching the teams jump, because you rotated your view 360 degrees, and observing 180 degrees, you’ll find “space” in the map on either “sides” of the drop ship. Drop in that “space” and work your way to a Top 10 finish.

Don’t be a loot whore

On a “hot drop”, meaning you’re jumping Immediately, or jumping the “blue circle”, finding the enemy is more important than gear once you have a gun and a shield. Being a loot whore leads to poor team spacing. The simplest way to gear in Apex Legends is wining the Combat Mechanics and eliminating enemy squads. On a “hot drop”, two extra magazines of ammunition is enough. Share with your teammates. Three stacks of ammunition is enough until you get purple backpack and are one of the last three teams.

When Lifeline rezzes you after eliminating an enemy squad, fix your shield and health, then Loot the boxes. Lifeline is in the rear with the gear in squad spacing.

Ranked Ideal Comp

Bloodhound, Lifeline, Caustic. Don’t @ me.

Bloodhound leads the charge, Caustic throws gas and traps, Lifeline is in the rear with the gear in case someone gets dropped. Combat occurring inside structures can be easily identified with the enemy easily marked every six seconds during beast of the hunt in the fog of Caustic Haze.

Five ways to be better at Apex Legends

  1. Learn the jump step
  2. Learn the map and use the Environment
  3. Be on top of things. Buildings, boxes, vehicles, walls, etc., etc.
  4. Be mildly thirsty for the kill
  5. Don’t be a Loot Whore

New England v New York Jets

Week 9 of the 2020 NFL Season (COVID edition) concludes with the New England Patriots visiting the hapless New York Jets on Monday Night Football.

We like to publish about the NFL Draft and NFL Predictions.

This week, the spread is double digits and had we followed our adage of laying action on a NFL spread because it is double digits, always taking the points, we would have gone 2-0 in those games instead of 0-1.

Instead of wagering on the spread, we wagered on Under 42. New England 27, New York Jets 10.

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K/D Means Little in Call of Duty

February 10, 2019 | Posted in Video Games | By

26 Kills, 22 Deaths 5720 Score, Loss, 520 SPM
45 Kills, 15 Deaths, 5365 Score, Win, 490 SPM

Examine the two photos above. Game Mode Hardpoint. Now, make a judgment on the better player, i.e., who is better at Call of Duty: Black Ops 4. Surely you’re making your judgment on K/D because YOU think K/D is what makes YOU good at Call of Duty. 5720 score (RastaJay57) compared to 5365 score (scrub who Thinks he’s good because his K/D was 3.0. Bruh, you got outscored by nearly 400 points. How are you going to make a logical argument, in this particular game, you’re better than RastaJay57 when you were OutScored by 400 points? Call of Duty is about Score Per Minute and Win/Loss Ratio while K/D is what it is.

33 Kils, 24 Deaths, 5285 Score, Loss, 500 SPM
46 Kills, 15 Deaths, 4620 Score, 440 SPM

Examine these two photos above and ask yourself, “Which player is better at Call of Duty in this particular match?” The second photo is a good example of some kid playing an OBJ game and not playing the OBJ because he Thinks the 3.066 K/D is what makes him good at Call of Duty. Dude, you got outscored by 600 points, how in the world can you possibly, logically, think you’re better at Call of Duty based on this one particular match.

These two examples have my team losing which could be the deciding factor. However, 3.0666 K/D guy, your 22 seconds on the hill did Nothing to help your team win and you were outscored by a player with 12 less kills.

K/D means little, I contend K/D means Nothing. In this example, it means you, with your 3.066 K/D were never near the objective, you were simply playing an OBJ game because it’s easier to get a lot of kills.

I have literally hundreds of examples of how a superior K/D was outscored because RastaJay57 plays the OBJ and plays to win.

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Amazinglyleet Hardpoint Strategies

January 11, 2019 | Posted in Video Games | By

I’m Prestige 8, I’ve played approximately 1,100 games of Hardpoint, my SPM is 376 and my W/L is 1.42, all pug.

Someone on your ladder team has to run anchor in this game mode

I’m providing several videos of the different maps where I perform all three functions of winning a Hardpoint ladder match … anchoring, capturing and defending, and spawn control (slaying). You’re trying to climb the ladders as a rated player and you have to win this game mode.

The best class set up? I like the SG12 with Extended Magazines I and II plus Max Load with the Strobe Light operator mod. Pre-nerf, so fun to play for four prestige levels and post-nerf, it’s still OP’d. Ghosts, Black Ops 3, and WWII, I made master prestige playing shotgun, for the most part, mixed in with SMGs because of my hyper-erratic rushing play style.

Wut, you don’t have diamond?

Your Hardpoint team must effectively perform the three functions, especially anchor. There are times you’re anchoring and want to go capture the hardpoint but you have to wait until your team starts spawning in the desired location, preferably two teammates spawning.

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EMP 44 Bubbling Brew, New CoD WWII SMG

October 3, 2018 | Posted in Video Games | By

Here’s some video on the new SMG, the EMP 44 Bubbling Brew.  I purchased the new weapon with my 100,000+ armory points because I’m master prestige 517.  353 SPM, 1.64 W/L, 1.16 K/D.  Yep, I’m terrible at CoD WWII.

I need to use a weapon for 1,000 kills before deciding if the weapon is good or not.  I don’t start making judgments until I’ve unlocked Advanced Rifling, Weapon Level 8 so I can run Quickdraw, Grip, and Advanced Rifling as attachments.  This video is the first time I used the EMP 44 with those three attachments.

A note on Hardpoint for you competitive players out there.  Your anchor should be watching this video for a clinic on running Hardpoint anchor on Sandbox,  Your team’s hardpoint bitch?  Expeditionary with two satchel charges to cover the pinch.  You’ll win more games.

I don’t play CoD WWII competitively because I’d rather make levels and win games.  I’ve played some 5,000 games of Hardpoint, I probably know more than you about the game mode.  This video and post are designed to both entertain and enlighten.

A note on making YouTube videos.  I could care less if you subscribe.  I care about hits.  My little channel you’ve never heard of has a 14,000 hit video and a 7,200 hit video plus several 1,500+ videos.  I care about hits because hits are legitimate.  I don’t really focus on editing; I merely upload ten minutes or so of gameplay.  Do you want to be a better Hardpoint anchor for your rated team?  Watch all ten minutes and how I flow the map for each hill.

The blog post is important because it adds legitimacy and I’m a writer who has to self-publish every once in a while.  I write for this dumb news outlet because it’s easy and I’m not as ashamed to share my work on their site because they’ve been working hard to improve their legitimacy.   You’re welcome.  Here are a couple of links to my work.



Links on my website make my website more legitimate and the tagged website more legitimate.  Hello Mr. Manfredi, you do a good job cleaning up USA site.  And you help me be a better writer.

I need about another 150 words.  500-word website posts with a video add legitimacy and Google is cracking down because we can’t have foreign agents using the world wide web subverting world governments.  Mr. Zuckerberg, your website is propagating divisive ideas, stereotypes, lies, the list goes on and on.  You have a higher standard to uphold on your website Mr. Zuckerberg.  You need to be more accountable.

422 words.  I’ve decided to play Red Dead Redemption II and make videos.  I’m gonna most likely sit Black Ops IIII out, at least until Red Dead bores me.  450 words, I’ve surpassed 2,000 characters, a video, and two links to other sites.

It’s about as legitimate as one can be on-line.

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CoD WWII Best Shotguns Ranked

April 22, 2018 | Posted in Video Games | By

I recently completed the diamond camouflage Multiplayer challenge for shotguns, unlocking diamond for all of them.  I thought I would offer an expert opinion, beyond that of a Master Prestige (currently) level 270, and the massive amount of time I’ve spent since November playing the most recent version of Call of Duty, on what I think are the best shotguns currently in the game.

Here’s my rank order of the best shotguns in CoD WWII.

#4 – Sawed Off Shotgun

The double barrell shotguns rank at the bottom for me because you get two shots and it’s pistol time because they load mighty slow.  Recommended attachments:  Steady Aim/Advanced Rifling/Incendiary Shells, the huge changes in the most recent patch included making the flaming OP’d shells an attachment rather than an Expeditionary Division ability.  I’ve been really enjoying Saboteur as Basic Training choice, been in love with throwing satchel charges, stun grenades, getting two of each and most importantly being able to resupply the equipment.

Click below to see game play utilizing the Sawed Off Shotgun.

#3 – Luftwaffe Drilling – I rank the Luftwaffe Drilling ahead of the sawed off shotgun because of range and an easier one shot one kill.  Both double barrel shotguns have the disadvantage of two shots before reload and although the sawed off shotgun loads faster, the Luftwaffe Drilling has incredible range, especially when married with advanced rifling as an attachment.  Recommended Attachments:  Steady Aim/Advanced Rifling/Incendiary Shells.

Click below to see game play with the Luftwaffe Drilling

#2 Toggle Action – An easy choice for second place and strong competition for first overall, especially with the April 17th huge patch change giving a default of three attachments.  It’s really fun to empty an entire 8 round clip into opponents comprising of incendiary shells, especially on a map like Shipment 1944 … if you can take the time to load them … The semiautomatic Toggle Action offers good range and accuracy and with Advanced Rifling as an attachment can offer two hit kills.  Recommended Attachments:  Steady Aim/Rapid Fire/Incendiary Shells

#1 – Combat Shotgun – An easy choice for me as the one shot one kills at devastating range when coupled with Advanced Rifling, Saboteur (satchel charge kills) is the #1 rage quitting class in the game.  It’s often my goal when I play against another Master Prestige player to make them rage quit.  It’s often my goal when playing against an organized team of 3, 4, even 5 opponents to make them rage quit.  This is the gun … when used with Saboteur and absolutely #Pro satchel charge that makes them quit.  Recommended Attachments:  Advanced Rifling/Steady Aim/Rapid Fire.

I hope you found this information useful and interesting.  I spend a lot of time playing this game, the retired life … and let’s face, a 45 year old Master Prestige (sometimes) wrecking kids with Shotgun, Expeditionary, Saboteur, and Satchel Charges should always be high value entertainment.


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My AmazinglyLeet Resident Evil 7 Video

April 13, 2018 | Posted in Video Games | By

Okay here’s the video.  I’m hoping you found it through the website opposed to YouTube … Somehow, this video Helped.  I’m not sure why, maybe to find the D Series Head located in the Doll House … there’s a button to push.

When playing the birthday party as Ethan, you only need the wheel from the locked bedroom with the passcode “Loser”. You won’t be able to progress if you grab the Winder from the barrel, spilling the flammable fluid. In short, you don’t have to repeat the steps from the Happy Birthday Video. It seemed intuitive but after 5 deaths of not figuring out why I couldn’t pick up the time bomb and create the escape route frustrated me to the point i made this video.


The video is going to reach 5,000 hits soon, maybe this week.  They say in the YouTube Space, a 5,000 hit video is legit.  I now have two … A video I made about World of WarCraft may pass 14,000 hits soon.  Sure not a lot, but nobody is getting paid from YouTube anymore.

When you have a message to share, build a website.  And monetize it.  And somehow hope Google makes the webpage the avenue to watch the Video.





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CoD WWII Best Class Set Up

April 5, 2018 | Posted in Video Games | By

What is the best class set up in CoD WWII?  I offer an opinion because I have a blog and you don’t.

Division:  Expeditionary

Primary Weapon: Combat Shotgun

  • Attachments: Steady Aim / Advanced Rifling

Secondary Weapon: Machine Pistol

  • Attachment:  Extended Magazines

Basic Training:  Saboteur

Lethal: Satchel Charge

Tactical: Stun Grenade

Flaming Shotgun Shells are already OP and you’re adding the devastation of two satchel charges, because you’re playing Expeditionary you can throw equipment faster and further … plus the all annoying stun grenade.  This is THE rage quit Class Set Up.

Hip fire Combat Shotgun kills lead to rage quits by themselves … throw in all the stunning and satchel charging, because you’re playing Expeditionary, you resupply lethals and tacticals, not by running over the body, but by running over the Red Sack on the ground.

I play mostly solo HardPoint, Master Prestige Level 215.  324 SPM.  1.56 W/L Ration.  1.13 K/D.  Yep, I’m terrible at CoD WWII, just watch my videos.

Below is a short video showing the class set up

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