May 6, 2022 | Posted in: Elden Ring
This post shares 180+ hours of experience playing pure mage in Elden Ring. The Astrologer starting class is the clear choice for those wishing to play pure mage and at level 225, Faith remains seven and Arcane remains nine, the starting values for Astrologer, because a mage neither casts healing spells or concerns themselves with bleed damage. Journey 2 experiences are being shared.
Elden Ring Best Spell – Comet
What is the best spell in Elden Ring? For the Astrologer Mage, with 80 intellect and 60 mind, and Azur’s Glintstone Armor, the clear choice is Comet. Players can obtain the Comet Spell in the Academy of Raya Lucaria in Liurnia of the Lakes. The zone’s legacy dungeon will always be significant in the game because the boss encounter with Rennala, Queen of the Full Moon, is often the second Great Rune obtained by players to unlock Leyndell, Royal Capital and progress in the game. Players are tasked with obtaining Godrick the Grafted’s Great Rune and here’s astrologer mage defeating Margit and Godrick in Stormveil Castle in Journey 2. The melt with Comet is real.
Elden Ring Best Weapon
The best weapon for the astrologer mage is Lusat’s Glintstone Staff. Hours of gaming time were spent comparing Lusat’s Staff with Azur’s Glintstone Staff with Lusat’s Staff emerging as better. However, Azur’s Staff will continue to scale beyond intelligence third soft cap of 80. A choice was made to leave Intelligence at 80 to increase other stats like Endurance and Dexterity. Eventually, Intelligence will reach 99 and further comparisons can be made on these two mage weapons of choice. Journey 2 Comet with Lusat’s Glintstone Staff against the bosses in Leyndell, Royal Capital. Again, the melt is real.
Elden Ring Best Armor
For the Elden Ring Mage utilizing Comet, Azur’s Glintstone Armor increases damage by 15% but the spell also costs 15% more mana to cast. You can see the melt on Journey 2 game progression legacy dungeons. A personal preference was developed for the Preceptor’s Set increasing Mind by 3 based on aesthetics and weight because Azur’s amor cannot be altered. The Preceptor’s set can be greatly altered to reduce weight as a pure mage carries no melee weapon and has a light load. Sometimes the shield is shed because mages don’t use shields. However, there are boss encounters where the shield must be utilized like in Volcano Manor and against the Fire Giant required to progress in the game. Journey 2 Fire Giant was low key melted utilizing the Preceptor’s Set.
Elden Ring Best Talismans
For the Astrologer Mage, the four best talismans are Viridian Amber Medallion +2 increasing Stamina, Cerulean Amber Medallion +2 increasing mana, Radagon Icon increasing casting speed, and the Graven Mass Talisman increasing spell damage. At level 225, with 55 vigor, the Crimson Amber Medallion +2 increasing health is also viable instead of the Radagon Icon. The author read a blog post about the twin gargoyles in Sofria Aqueduct, a encounter missed in Journey one. Here’s the astrologer mage utilizing comet in this duo boss encounter.