Elden Ring Boss Fights as Astrologer Mage
March 21, 2022 | Posted in Elden Ring | By Anonymous
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This post describes and shares video of various boss fights in Elden Ring while playing the mage of Elden Ring, the Astrologer class. The boss fights depicted are necessary for game progression to become the Elden Lord and complete various quests and is designed to help players with strategy, tactics, and playing the game from a ranged damage perspective.
Elden Ring Boss Fights You’ll Need for Something
Margit the Fell unlocks Stormveil Castle. Godrick the Grafted is the boss of Stormveil Castle and drops one of two Great Runes required to enter the capital city and begin phase two of the game. Royal Knight Loretta is the boss of Caria Manor which unlocks Ranni’s quest via the Three Sisters, towers where Ranni, and others, are located after defeating Royal Knight Loretta. Gael Cave is a random optional dungeon showing the boss fight. Full Grown Fallingstar Beast in Mt. Gelmir drops both kinds of smithing stones level 6 and, while he doesn’t quite block player’s path to Volcano Manor, the field boss is a nuisance.
Margit the Fell
Margit is a boss, considered optional, but you have to defeat him to gain access to Stormveil Castle, a dungeon with a lot of stuff to do including defeating Godrick the Grafted, a boss. I eventually defeat Margit the Fell, probably around the ten minute mark of the video.
Godrick the Grafted
Godrick is the boss of Stormveil Castle and one of the bosses you need for a Great Rune. Once again, spirit ashes are a must, I’m again using wolves. This is a phased fight where I’ll dawn the arm of a dragon and breathe fire at you. Playing Astrologer, it was easy to stay away from these attacks. I did one shot Godrick on the first try. Luck I guess.
Leonine Misbegotten – Castle Morne Boss
Well, you fight the spirit of Leonine Misbegotten. Clutch spirit ashes in the form of wolves and ranged damaged result in a one shot of the boss on the first try. There’s a quest line here involving Edgar and Irena, who you meet in Weeping Peninsula. The quest has different outcomes depending on when you defeat the boss of Morne Castle and acquire the Grafted Blade Greatsword.
Caria Manor Boss
You’ll need to defeat the Caria Manor Boss if you want access to Ranni’s quest, which, as a Sorcerer, I want because Loretta’s Great Crossbow sorcery is apparently clutch at long range although the range seems the same as Glinting Pebble and takes longer to cast. Also, Ranni’s quest awards the Snow Witch Armor Set which I want.
Starscourge Radahn
Players have to defeat this boss of Castle Redmane as part of Ranni’s quest and to be awarded the Snow Witch Armor Set. Described as “one of the toughest encounters in the game” I think this boss fight fails in comparison to the difficulty of Rannala, Queen of the Full Moon in Raya Lucaria Academy. Both count as bosses to slay for Great Runes to unlock the second phase of the game.
Full Grown Fallingstar Beast
Players will encounter the field boss after a site of grace called Ninth Mt. Gelmir Campsite via spirit spring to jump with Torrent. Or, there’s a ladder. I wonder how long it takes to climb the ladder I never bothered trying to find out. Players should try to land as close to the edge of the plateau because the boss has large aggro range.
Borealis the Freezing Fog
Once players progress through Leyndell Capital, defeating Godfrey and Morgott the Omen along the way, players will make their way to the Mountaintops of the Giants. While making a half loop to the various sites of grace and finding the zone map fragments, players will encounter a dragon. Borealis the Freezing Fog can be avoided and, apparently, a lot of sites recommend bypassing the field boss. Here’s Astrologer Mage handling the encounter with relative ease.
Elden Ring Astrologer Gameplay
March 19, 2022 | Posted in Elden Ring | By Anonymous
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This post describes and shares Astrologer gameplay in Elden Ring and offers guidance in the early stages of gameplay especially in the first two zones one will fully explore (Limgrave and Weeping Peninsula). Boss fights, map fragment locations, dungeon walkthroughs, and some game puzzle solving are described all from the Astrologer point of view.
Elden Ring Astrologer – Ranged Gameplay
When I played world of warcraft, I played frost mage. Parsed at in 99th percentile world wide against a boss named Operator Thogar back in the day. When playing Elden Ring, I feel like I’m playing world of warcraft, in a way, without all the drama of a guild who can’t down Mythic bosses because they lack skill. Frost mage in wow was ranged dps so I picked a ranged class in Elden Ring, Astrologer. I downed Margit the Fell, the first “boss” before you can enter Stormveil Castle, solo.
Elden Ring Astrologer – Early Game Play in West Limgrave
The first thing anyone should do in Elden Ring is get the spirit horse Torrent. This is accomplished when you visit your third lost site of grace. A movie will automatically start with Melina giving you a whistle to summon you Torrent who’s clutch in helping you get out of trouble. You’ll discover Dragon Burnt Ruins, one of the first places to make some levels and practice combat. You’ll discover Church of Elleh with a vendor and a place to upgrade your weapons using smithing stones. And, you’ll find Grove Side Cave, the first “optional” dungeon called Grove Side Cave.
Apparently, if you’re playing Samurai, you’ll want to defeat the boss of Grove Side Cave as soon as a possible. You’ll find Gatefront Ruins, a place to clear and learn combat, and find the West Limgrave map fragment which will fill in your map in the game. Each zone has a map fragment to discover. The east limgrave map fragment is pretty easy to find and you’ll have the entire map for Limgrave, the starting zone of Elden Ring.
Elden Ring Limgrave Best Dungeons to Complete
The dungeons in Limgrave are, apparently, optional. However, Limgrave Tunnels is a dungeon you want to complete because you’ll find smithing stones. Elden Ring’s most recent patch made it easier to find early game smithing stones level one and smithing stones level 2. You’ll want to complete Murkwater Catacombs and Deathtouched Catacombs for Grave Glovewort and Ghose Gloveworth to upgrade spirit ashes.
Elden Ring First Zone to Explore – Weeping Peninsula
Weeping Peninsula lies to the south of Limgrave and is a good place to early game level. I guess you could go to Liurnia of the Lakes to the north as you can bypass Stormveil Castle and access Liurnia of the Lakes via a secret path. Hit Ordys’s Rise, solve the three wise beasts puzzle and you’ll get a Memory Stone.
Weeping Peninsula Dungeons to Complete
Apparently, Elden Ring dungeons are optional but you’ll want early game smithing stones and glovewort. You’ll want to complete Morne Tunnel for smithing stones. You’ll want to complete Tombsward Catacombs and Impaler’s Catacombs for glovewort.
The other “optional” minor dungeons may have loot you want and dungeons are a great place to farm runes and learn the mob fights to the boss making sure you can clear the mobs to the boss like a pro. Some bosses I have absolutely melted as ranged. Some bosses I died to a lot and can’t really imagine playing melee in this game as it must get add crazy. Earthbore Cave or Tombsward Cave may contain items or crafting materials.
Godrick the Grafted
He’s the boss of Stormveil Castle. I one shot him at level 73. Astrologer ranged game play at it’s finest.