Elden Ring Leyndell Royal Capital Legacy Dungeon

April 4, 2022 | Posted in Elden Ring | By

This post discusses the legacy dungeon players access after obtaining Godrick’s Great Rune plus one other for a total of two to gain access to East Castle Rampart site of grace and begin the dungeon. The dungeon features many twists turns all designed to confuse players and get them lost against tough mobs as they attempt to obtain key loot items. Many players will be looking to run this dungeon as quickly as possible and unlock the next part of the map known as Mountain of Giants.

East Castle Rampart

Accessing East Castle Rampart requires two great runes to unlock the gate. From the East Castle Rampart, players will need to make their way to avenue balcony. Players will be blocked by tough mobs that will not respawn upon defeat.

Avenue Balcony

Once players reach the first save point in the dungeon, they will be asked to find another site of grace known as West Capital Rampart. There are other save points in the dungeon, however, this information shares the quickest path to Godfrey, the first boss of the legacy dungeon. The Leyndell Knights and Soldiers present problems for the astrologer mage combing heavily armored mobs with shields and low hit points as the mage is sacrificing Vigor and Endurance for Intelligence and Mind. The direct path to West Capital Rampart is actually quick and fairly easy. The dungeon presents many other options to travel for loot and various dungeon mobs dropping key loot.


After West Capital Ramparts, again, the path to the first boss encounter with Godfrey is quite easy and quick to reach. All other routes are designed to confuse players are they obsess over loot but this information is focused on players who want to move through Leyndell Royal Capital as quickly as possible, defeat both bosses, and progress to Mountain Top of Giants.

After finding the Queens Bedchamber site of grace, players can make their way fairly quickly to legacy dungeon boss encounter with Morgott the Omen. Playing Astrologer Mage, the boss was melted on the first try utilizing Terra Magica and Comet. Rykard, Lord of Blasphemy, and his God-Devouring Serpent in Volcano Manor are far more difficult than Godfrey playing mage.

Morgott the Omen

After defeating Godfrey and opening the Erdtree Sanctuary site of grace as a dungeon save point, players can make their way fairly quickly and directly to the main boss encounter with Morgott. The Queens Chamber site of grace will lead to the boss encounter for a Great Rune.

The boss fight was easy melt mode for the astrologer mage class.

Leyndell Catacombs

There is a dungeon within a dungeon in the Royal Capital called the Leyndell Catacombs and is a challenging path to navigate. First, players must find the Underground Roadside site of grace. This is easily accomplished utilizing the Avenue Balcony site of grace.

Underground Roadside

From the subterranean shunning grounds, players can make their way to the Leyndell Catacombs site of grace.

Esgar, Priest of Blood

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Elden Ring Phase 1 (Gathering Two Great Runes)

April 1, 2022 | Posted in Elden Ring | By

This post shares 100+ hours playing Astrologer Mage in Phase 1 of Elden Ring where players are required to slay two of four legacy bosses and acquire their great rune to gain access to Leyndell, Royal Capital and begin Phase 2 of the game. Godrick’s Great Rune must be activated in the Divine Tower of Limgrave and Rennala’s Great Rune is activated automatically upon defeat allowing players to respec their stats and reallocate their points as players see fit.

Adventures in Limgrave and Weeping Peninsula

Players will find the Dragon Burnt Ruins and Gate Front Ruins early in their exploration of Limgrave. Players will find optional dungeons like Groveside Cave and Tombsward Catacombs and while the dungeons are not required to advance in the game, there is probably gear players desire making the progress towards phase two. The recommended level for Leyndell Royal Capital is level 90-110 with weapons upgraded +15 to +20. However, if players are utilizing a weapon requiring somber smithing stones, the maximum upgrade is +10.

Players will be running “optional dungeons” like Limgrave Tunnels and Morne Tunnel to acquire smithing stones to upgrade weapons. Progressing through Limgrave and Weeping Peninsula should have players at level 30-40 to begin their assault on Stormveil Castle and attempt to acquire Godrick’s Great Rune.

Liurnia of the Lakes

Players can bypass Stormveil Castle and proceed into Liurnia of the Lakes via a secret path. The legacy dungeon Academy of Raya Lucaria is the centerpiece of the zone, however, Caria Manor requires clearing to access Ranni and her quest line. There are more dungeons to run, like the Raya Lucaria Crystal Tunnel for smithing stones to upgrade weapons and Road’s End Catacombs to run for glovewort to upgrade Spirit Ashes. Players also have access to Ainsel River in Eastern Liurnia Lakes as one of two access points for the “underground” dungeons. Players will progress through Lake of Rot, Sofria River, and Ainsel River for Ranni’s quest.

Four Bosses Drop Great Runes

Godrick the Grafted is the boss of the legacy dungeon Stormveil Castle located in Limgrave. Rennala, Queen of the Full Moon is the boss Academy of Raya Lucaria in Liurnia of the Lakes. Rykard, Lord of Blasphemy is the boss of Volcano Manor located in Mt. Gelmir, a sub zone of Altus Plateau. Starscourge Radahn is the boss of Redmane Castle located in Caelid.

Players are definitely choosing Rennala, Queen of the Full Moon as one of the two bosses to slay for great runes because the boss fight is considered “easy”. Godrick the Grafted is somewhat mandatory because his Great Rune is required to be activated in the Divine Tower of Limgrave for access to the royal capital.

Starscourge Radahn is considered one of the most difficult fights in the game but, if players want the Snow Witch Armor Set, Radahn must be slain as part of Ranni’s quest line. Personally, I didn’t find the fight overly difficult.

Academy of Raya Lucaria

The encounter against the dungeon’s boss Rennala, Queen of the Full Moon, is one of the best boss fights I’ve seen with the creepy children on the ground singing the lullaby. Rennala’s quip when she kills you “Thy faith lieth under my moon” is solid. Rennala will slay you as player learn the “mechanics” of the two phase fight. As Astrologer Mage, I had to learn to melee the boss opposed to casting spells in the first phase when she became vulnerable after shattering three shields on her children. There were also mechanics in the second phase involving boss spirit summons and times she reflects damage causing a failed attempt. However, Rennala is the clear choice for the second great rune because players require Godrick’s because, in the end, the encounter is fairly easy when compared to Radahn or Rykard in Volcano Manor.

The academy also harbors clutch Astrologer Mage gear including the Comet Sorcery (Glintstone Pebble on Steroids) and the Graven-School Talisman increasing spell damage. Players specializing in a caster build, most likely based on the Astrologer class because of the starting Intellect (16).

Volcano Manor

I find the boss of the dungeon, Rykard Lord of Blasphemy extremely difficult. Like Rennala, this is a two phase fight where players must first defeat a God-Devouring Serpent and advance to face Rykard in phase two. I have a solid hour and a half of video dying during the first phase but, as I’m learning, this is Elden Ring and dying is commonplace. I’ve acquired three great runes and, in my opinion, we’re going to start learning about the Elden Ring “multiverse”. For Example, what happens if I “win the game” with three great runes opposed to two? What happens, for example, if I defeat Starscourge Radahn as part of Ranni’s Quest prior to using The Grand Lift of Dectus?

One of the most difficult parts for me playing Elden Ring is learning the layout of the dungeons and making it to the progression save points (sites of grace). Volcano Manor is full of secret passages and there’s something about killing tarnished I don’t full understand. There was a mini boss plus a Magma Wyrm and stingy mobs. I want to learn the most direct route to the boss, defeat the dungeon, then go back for any loot I missed and do some rune gathering in a dungeon I’ve defeated and have understanding of where the mobs are located.

The Starscourge Radahn Multiverse

As players “finish” the game, we are learning there is more than one ending depending on what transpired during the game. Apparently, finishing Ranni’s quest gives an alternate ending. And, other “secrets” are being uncovered impacting just exactly How the game “ends”. How many possibilities are there for a multiverse in Elden Ring? An example of a potential multiverse lies with Radahn.

Apparently, Radahn becomes “available” in Redmane Castle after players use the Grand Lift of Dectus. But, Radahn also becomes available during Ranni’s quest line by completing a series of actions. In the multiverse of Elden Ring, what happens if I slay Radahn as part of Ranni’s quest prior to utilizing the Grand Lift of Dectus? what happens if I use the Grand Lift of Dectus, then clear Caria Manor, start Ranni’s Quest, then beat Radahn? what happens if I clear Caria Manor, use the Grand Lift of Dectus, then start Ranni’s quest? Is there any difference? Elden Ring will have players starting over to do some things differently to, in theory, get a different ending.

I returned to Redmane Castle where I low key abused Radahn playing Astrologer Mage looking for a NPC as part of another quest line and was greeted by a boss fight. There were some mobs but Redmane Castle was definitely very “strange” compared to what I remembered when I defeated Radahn for his Great Rune. Where else does this multiverse lie in Elden Ring? Only time will tell as players progress through different routes to “winning the game”. This multiverse has already shown itself with Ranni’s quest and an alternate ending but how many twists and branches into other multiverses could be contained in this one example of Ranni’s quest and how Redmane Castle was “different” because I slayed Radahn prior to using the Grand Lift of Dectus.

Stormveil Castle

Players must defeat Margit the Fell to begin the legacy dungeon making their way to Godrick the Grafted. Once again, players navigating the dungeon and reaching the various save points along the way combined with exploring nooks and crannies for gear and loot will have players frustrated as they almost reach the next site of grace in the dungeon only to die, again, and have to start over

Godrick the Grafted

Players will find the fight with Godrick easier than the encounter with Margit the Fell. I personally downed Godrick on the first try.

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Elden Ring Volcano Manor

March 30, 2022 | Posted in Elden Ring | By

This post shares information about Volcano Manor containing a boss dropping one of two Great Runes required to enter the capital city and begin the second phase of the game. Players are offered three choices of getting to the Manor either on foot or via two different quest lines.

On Foot and Horse

Players can make their way through fairly intuitive to find sites of grace in Altus Plateau until the Bridge of Inquity site of grace informs players they’ve now entered Mt. Gelmir. Getting to volcano manor via horse and foot requires ladder climbing and finding two sites of grace along the way. The first site of grace is known as the First Mt. Gelmir Campsite. As players move into a hostile campsite with fearsome carts, the left wall can be hugged through the second set of broken fences where players will find a ladder to ascend. The first site of grace on the path to Volcano Manor is to the left when players are finished climbing the ladder

Second Site of Grace (Ninth Mt. Gelmir Campsite)

After touching the site of grace at the first campsite, players will have to navigate their way to the second site of grace on the path via horse and foot to Volcano Manor. There are more ladders to climb and players should expect some combat along the way. Players should keep looking for ladders and a bridge to cross with the next site of grace, the ninth Mt. Gelmir Campsite on the other side.

Final Step to Volcano Manor Site of Grace

Players will utilize the spirit spring with Torrent to jump to a plateau where a field boss awaits. The Full Grown Fallingstar Beast will charge players as they utilize an escape route to the right involving a short jump on Torrent to continue towards the manor and getting inside to the site of grace players will use to begin the dungeon.

Field Boss Fight

The full grown falling star beast drops smithing stones you’ll need for weapon upgrades. While combat can be avoided, he could be a nuisance as players learn the outreach to ride and jump in order to avoid the fight.

Rya’s Quest (Find Her Necklace)

This is the easiest path to Volcano Manor. Rya is found in Liurnia of the Lakes and the necklace is purchased from a npc at the boil prawn shack for 1,000 runes. Apparently, you can kill the NPC and purchase the necklace for 1,000 runes from the Twin Husks in Round Table Hold. After obtaining the necklace, Rya can be found in the Lux Ruins in Altus Plateau. There’s information about finding her atop the Grand Lift of Dectus but she’s not there she’s in Lux Ruins.

Inside Volcano Manor Dungeon

Once players access the starting dungeon site of grace, a key must be obtained from a NPC sitting in the chair. Players will take the drawing room key and make their way through dimly lit passages to the dungeon’s first save point located at Prison Church. There’s a side corridor with loot and an illusionary wall disappearing after players strike the wall with their melee weapon.

Guest Hall Site of Grace

After saving dungeon progression at Prison Church site of grace, players will want to make their way to the next save point known as the Guest Hall site of grace. There’s a shortcut involving roofs and ledges avoiding a lot of combat and players will make their way inside a structure with the next save point downstairs.

Getting to the Mini Boss

The Godskin Noble unlocks the site of grace known as Temple of Eiglay and allows continuation through to the boss of the dungeon. There’s a shortcut skipping a lot of mobs involving rooftops and some ledges. There’s a few mobs on the way not to be taken lightly by players wishing to progress in Volcano Manor.

Godskin Noble

I failed a few times on the mini boss but eventually got him with relative ease.

Volcano Manor Magma Wyrm

The magma wyrm is located down in a lift where players are given choices to take the lift up to the Godskin Noble mini boss or descent and fight a magma wyrm. The wyrm drops a dragon heart upon death.

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Elden Ring Zone Altus Plateau

March 28, 2022 | Posted in Elden Ring | By

This post discusses Altus Plateau and getting to Volcano Manor. Players have two options to enter the zone either through a secret path or utilizing the Grand Lift of Dectus.

Secret Path

Players can forego finding the medallion to operate the lift and enter the zone via a secret path involving caves, ladders, mobs, and a boss fight. Players will want to utilize the Ravine-Veiled Village site of grace and climb the nearby ladder to begin the journey to Altus Plateau via the secret path.

There is also a boss fight at the end of the alternative entrance to Altus Plateau with a magma wyrm. After defeating the boss, players can make their way to the Abandoned Coffin site of grace inside the zone.

Grand Lift of Dectus

The lift is the “main entrance” to the zone and is operated by a medallion. Players must collect the left half and the right half of the medallion at two different locations. The left medallion is located at the fort by the West Fort Haight site of grace in southern Limgrave. Players should be aware of the arrows firing from the roof as they make their way to the tower via a ladder to collect the medallion half from a chest.

The right half of the medallion is located in a fort at the Fort Faroth site of grace. Players will have to make their way through a nasty, dark, place with several bats who poison and hit hard. Luckily, spirit ashes are available and playing Astrologer Mage allows for maximum ranged damage. The medallion half is located in a chest up a ladder after players defeat the room of bats.

Rya’s Quest

Volcano Manor contains one of the four bosses players can slay for one of two Great Runes required to unlock the second part of the game in Leyendell, Royal Capital. Rya’s quest begins in Liurnia of the Lakes near the Layskar Ruins site of grace. There is a short quest involving obtaining a necklace from someone located near the Boilprawn Shack (there is also a site of grace here). Dialogue with the “thief” and agreeing to pay him 1,000 runes allows players to obtain the necklace and return to Rya whom you will meet later in Altus Plateau.

After returning the necklace, players can make their way to the Grand Lift of Dectus where Rya is supposedly waiting. But, Rya is not at the Grand Lift of Dectus, she’s at the Lux Ruins near the Erdtree-Gazing Hill site of grace. Engage in dialogue and Rya will ask you to take her hand transporting players to the Volcano Manor site of grace.

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Elden Ring Best Weapons (Lusat’s Glintstone Staff)

March 27, 2022 | Posted in Elden Ring | By

This post describes how to obtain one of the best staves players can acquire in Elden Ring for Astrologer Mage class and sorcerer’s in general. Players will have to navigate Sellia, Town of Sorcery lighting three towers to unlock magically sealed doors, and defeat a boss duo.

Sellia, Town of Sorcery

Players will unlock at site of grace near the entrance to the town known as Sellia Under the Stairs. From there, players will run up some stairs and enter the ghost town with the task of lighting three towers to unlock doors to loot and the boss. Defeating the boss gives players access to a chest containing Lusat’s Glintstone Staff.

Lighting the first two towers requires travel on gigantic roots and rooftops with some key jumps without much room for error or players will fall to the ground and have to start over. The town’s mobs, ghosts, including casting mages, will vanish from site, and there’s a few tough melee mobs. Playing Astrologer is limiting in this venue and I had to rely on the sword in most cases.

Lighting the third tower is the easiest and once this is accomplished players will have access to the boss fight.

Nox Sorceress and Nox Priest Duo Boss Fight

I summoned my +6 wolf ashes and spanked the duo from ranged with Glintstone Stars because the boss duo has a tendency to dodge Glinting Pebble. Boss fights from ranged are somehow easier and playing Astrologer Mage is not popular because of the low number of hit points because leveling points are put into Intelligence and Mind. For every three intelligence points, players should invest two in mind creating a 60 intelligence 40 mind split. Also, Astrologer Mage is wearing cloth armor, like the Snow Witch Set, due to low endurance and the importance of keeping the load medium for clutch barrel rolls resulting in poor damage negation.

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